Thursday 22 August 2013


A story splurge. Or spot of inspiration has just happened. Whichever one you want to use it doesn't matter. But I had a story splurge. Okay, I admit, I've had a story splurge on an idea I'd had a while ago. In fact, on a story I'd started and forgotten about.


But, now that I've actually written a novel. Now that I'm editing said novel. I feel like I can achieve the great all over again and write it.

No I am not going to set myself the challenge of writing it before January 1st. Seriously. Write a novel. Edit a novel. Do Uni. Pass Uni. All before January 1st? Yeah, no thanks. I've got enough on my plate.

But I will slowly write it. I hope.

And I'm going to give myself a deadline of..... June 24th.

I don't know. Sometime once I've finished Uni and sometime in which I'm sure I'll have lots of free time. Some random date in which I assume I shall be free.

So yeah.

Two goals. Edit Vanguard. Write the new one.

Happy Writing.

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