If writing doesn't strike her fancy for that day she'll turn to painting Warhammer 40k Miniatures or even get stuck into a good book. Usually science fiction. Other than this her hobbies include reading web comics, staring off into space or playing with her two ferret girls Serenity and Andromeda.
Has successfully written a first draft of a complete novel and is working on the second draft. And I now have a first draft of a second novel. (Woohoo!)
Currently working on a free endeavour to write a first draft online for all you folks to see. For full details of what it is and where to go, go here: http://penguinsandninjas.wordpress.com/about/
Rachel likes to write sometimes terrible poetry that she dubs '30' second poems. She has yet to submit a short story or poem - even though she really should start sending them out there - and has yet to be accepted as an Author. For now she is and will always be a writer with a very supportive boyfriend called Andrew.
Here she is on twitter: @Penguin__Ninja (Double Underscore '_' those things)
If by some magical chance you wish to get in contact with her: r.h.bresnahan@gmail.com
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