This is the place to find out more information about the world, its history and the characters.
Summary: The crew of Redux were two days away from leave with their communications system picking up glitches. And with everybody excited to go home for six solid months, the orders to take part in a training exercise in return for two extra weeks leave didn't go down well.
The United Nations Confederation (UNC) was created to allow equal opportunities between all of the countries to participate within the same military division. This allows equal representation for decisions that would affect everybody.
United Nations Confederation Tactical Unit (UNCTU) is the name typically given to crews, along with a number, to allow Command to keep track of where their ships are at and to make it easier to remember who is doing what.
Science Research Stations have been set up around Earth, between it and Mars and just past Mars. These stations were set up primarily with the function of testing materials and conducting experiments that were deemed too dangerous to be conducted near human population.
The Third War (TTW) - What became the primary weapon of use against enemy and the UNC alike were Electromagnetic bombs. If their target was a ship entering the atmosphere of any planet (Earth, Mars or the Moon) then the ship would shut down. Ships were not prepared for this kind of attack and as many of the electrical wiring got fried the ships crashed killing hundreds at a time. This brought in the law that only UNC may hold any legal rights to EMB's and that anybody found creating one or to have the intention of making one, they were to be fined and put into prison.
Captain Charlotte O'Donnell prefers to go by the name "Charlie" or just Captain. Only her superiors call her "O'Donnell" to keep it official. When things are going to go wrong her left temple will begin to hurt. She's had this feeling her entire life and it always made her uncomfortable. When she's angry or trying to calm herself down she will bite the inside of her lower lip. Not much is known about her history except that she'd lost a previous crew because UNC had withheld information on a mission.
Second Lieutenant Lawrence McCallister will be irritated by the name "Cally" others will give him for their own amusement. He's the one Charlie turns to for a level head when she becomes too irritated by their situation. Always the voice of reason and always the one to think clearly and calmly. Not much will throw him off balance. He has a sister and under no circumstances has made any of the crew, besides Charlie and Wes Eliot, aware that she exists. He likes to keep the two worlds separate and apart.
Sergeant Major Evelyn Hunter always pushes the rules and does her best to stay within them. Charlie is one of the few people who can deal with her constant trouble making. But Hunter does know when too far is too far. She and Doctor Patrick Nelson always get into silly wagers that still wind her up in trouble. Whilst Engineer Wes Eliot hints at her and Evan Torres having a 'thing' it is against regulation and against Charlie's rules. Hunter is also very vocal with her thoughts, more specifically her language is vocal, using a series of swear words to express her opinions.
First Lieutenant Olivia Rhodes is the ship's main doctor and she, whilst being the Doctor of the ship she is in fact Second in Command. This right isn't exercised often but when it is the crew makes sure to listen. She is in charge of medical, calling most of the shots and chooses to stay out of the small childish arguments and going ons with the rest of the crew. Her and Charlie have a deep personal relationship that makes them close friends, stemming from when they met during the Third War.
Corporal Patrick Nelson has an uncanny ability to be the main attraction when it comes to insulting a member of the crew. If there's been a friendly argument, a silly wager or an accidental altercation you can trust Nelson to be at the center of it. Yet he's valued for his expertise in the field of medicine, even if it under the watchful eye of Olivia Rhodes. He does well however to be a friendly face for everybody as a means to have a mediator that doesn't take sides unless it's his own.
Warrant Officer Class 1 Zachary Chamberlin hates his name and most people have realized to call him "Zach" instead. He always tries to look on the positive side of things and even likes to joke around to lighten the mood a little. Whilst always being on the bridge and never travelling too far from the ship, his hand to hand combat will rival most of the others. His sense of humour can sometimes venture on the too crude side and he quickly settles back in line once told.
Sergeant Wes Eliot is the Kenyan engineer who has a sister whose wedding he's going to when he's back on leave. He and McCallister have a friendly relationship in which they can get along well, perhaps the best out of the rest of the crew. Whilst he doesn't say much in terms of social situations he knows almost everything there is to know about engines.
Corporal Natasha Sokoloff is a quiet Russian who adds the truth when asked for her opinion. Whilst not always the face of optimism she is the co-pilot who other members fear to anger. Whilst not the most active member of the crew, choosing to sit and watch as the rest argue and fight, she will add her two penny thoughts when it counts, especially if it includes insulting somebody at their expense for the rest of the crew.
Sergeant Evan Torres works in the engine room alongside Eliot yet the Irish is more known for his technical know how with computers. With the nickname of Spider Monkey he is often found crawling inside the walls of a ship of station to get to the main circuits to get them working again. He has a soft stomach compared to some of the others on the ship and is known to be vocal in social situations.
Warrant Officer Class 2 James Garrison is in charge of cooking the meals for everybody aboard. Whilst most of the time it's reheating prepackaged food, he does well to make them more tasteful then when they were handed to him. He has been a quiet member of the team so far.
(more to be added)
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