Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Middles are the bane for most writers. They are for me. Why? Because simply put anything could happen. Anything could happen and therefore anything could go wrong. Personally I have a general opening and an idea or two for the ending.

What happens in the middle is fair game.

You may already know some of the scenes that are going to take place. You may already know if a certain character is going to die or not. But what you don't know is how or why or what road your character is going to take to get there.

This is why the middle is a toss up between anything and everything.

The middle is also where many new 'would-be' writers tend to give in. It becomes a slog and sometimes, it's too much hard work to get through this slog and it seems like our story wasn't worth it to begin with. Trying to dig through all of the crap that could happen and finding the scene that does happen takes a lot and it's not easy. It can be hair tearing or even head banging.

But slog through it. Write crap. Get through this scene with low expectations so that your next scene plays itself for you. Because that is what will happen. There are always scenes that feel like your dragging your characters feet, yet sometimes these scenes are needed. So write whatever. Have them get through that section as quickly as possible so that the next scene comes to life.

Happy Writing.

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