Sunday, 5 January 2014

Hey guys!

A number of things...

1) I hit 20,007 words today in my re-draft of Aries.

2) I have started a daily word count table on excel. Basically any words that I write for creative purposes - stories, as part of my Weekly project - The Youngest Guardian, or something else, then I add them all up and put them in. I have a column for January with each date and a word count box next to it. The same instance for the rest of the year. I want to see how many words I end up writing creatively this year. My aim is to get to at least 450,000 words for the entire year. It seems like a lot but spread out over 365 days that's only 1,235 words a day (ish). Which is NOTHING. 

3) Week 5 of The Youngest Guardian is up -

4) I will be replacing the NaNo word count meter for 2013 and it shall be re-labelled to "NaNo take 2 - 2014" Of course I have to be ambiguous about what  this story is, at least until the summer. Then I can show you EVERYTHING! Okay, not quite everything but I can at least talk about it. 

5) When Summer comes what I plan on doing is spending a month on Aries, then the next month on NaNo project, then Aries and so on until they both be finished. Then I'll start something else. Maybe. 

6) I feel completely relaxed considering I'm going back to Uni in almost ten days. Meh, bring it on! 

7) My New Years Writing Resolutions:
  • Write at least 450,000 creative words this year
  • Finish the 2nd draft of Aries.
  • Re-write and finish a story I had started and then began to hate
That's it I think.  Do you have any New Years Writing Resolutions?

Happy Writing. 

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