Wednesday, 2 October 2013

A few books...

For Uni, having chosen to do an English joint Creative Writing course, I've had books to read. A many of them I am still getting through. For the first two years 99% of the 'required' reading I couldn't give two monkeys about. Why? Because they bored me and didn't interest me whatsoever. Far From The Madding Crowd. Therese Raquin. Mayor of Casterbridge. North and South. No. Never again.

This year however I am a happy bunny. You know how you have those old tale stories you've been meaning to read because of a number of reasons, being classics and origins for a lot of future stories. Or the ones that you've just never gotten around to since you were a kid. Yeah. Those are basically my books for this year.

So far I've read:

Alice in Wonderland.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

What I have left to read:

Frankenstein. (Halfway through right now)
The Secret Garden (Read most of already)
Peter Pan.
Tom's Midnight Garden.
The Collector.
Wind in the Willows.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Winnie The Pooh.

The reason why many of these I have failed to get around to until now is because I know the stories already. Or you know, they've made TV series or films about them. (Even if they are inaccurate films. Spoiler: Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are not in Alice in Wonderland and neither is the JaberWocky. They both appear in Through the Looking Glass.) 

But after knowing the basics, after having seen them on TV in different versions, it becomes a point where I've asked myself, should I? There's all these other books that I don't know the story of that I could read first because I don't know them.

But these books are full of cool surprises and I am glad I chose the courses that I did. Just because you've seen the film does not mean you should not read the book. Seriously. Do it. You'll be surprised.

Happy Writing.

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