You see, there are two kinds of NaNo-ers... (Yeah that's a phrase now) Pantsers. Planners.
Planners speaks for itself. It's the people who spend a discernible amount of time, be that a month, a day, several months, all year, the week before NaNo, planning and plotting their characters and stories.
Pantsers on the other hand is a phrase I hadn't heard of until a couple of days ago. These are the kind of people who have no idea what they're doing. They go into November with no idea, maybe an inkling, maybe the name of a character, and they go from there.
So. Which one am I? I am a PANTSER. And I'm not even guilty about that. I'm still unsure as to whether or not I want to participate as I already have a lot of stuff going on. Do I really want to add the trouble of 1,667 words a day to that?
But... I have a summary for a story. Science Fiction story. Here ya go:
2058. Hundreds disappeared from around the country. 261 years later one returned.
That is my planning, along with a character whose first name begins with a J. Some days he's a Jason, others a Jacob. Maybe even a James or John. Jack? I dunno. It's a J. Maybe I should just call him J from now on.
But if I am going to take part, it'll be a last minute decision and I'll be having the mantra of 'Fuck, fuck, fuck' going around my head for the month.
Happy Writing.
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