One of the first questions I can see coming to your mind is "What makes a beginner writer?" If that question doesn't cross your mind, well, why not? Seriously. I saw this tweet and thought "Why are we classing writer's as beginners and advanced? What's wrong with just writer?" And I can understand what they're talking about.
To an extent.
Fair enough saying that people are have just turned to writing, they may need a little help or push in getting going. We all did and that's the hard truth. But when this author states "My books are for those who have mastered the basics of writing."
Mastered the basics of writing? Is- Is that possible? Is that even a thing? Seriously? Mastering words? Putting a sentence together? Seriously?
"If you need to ask what the basic techniques of a writers craft is, you're better off with a beginner's book."
Seriously. Feel free to disagree. Feel free to argue with me or this above author, but seriously. I'm doing a creative writing course and you know what I've come to understand the basics are? Putting words together. Paragraphs that are indented. New speaker = new paragraph. Flow. All of that other basic shit. In essence, we're all past beginner and somewhere on the scale of improving.
Yeah there's the whole making the words work and making the reader interested crap. But that's not basic it's practice. You can't sum up lack of ability into beginner. You can't.
This one guy on Twitter asked this woman, "What makes a beginner compared to an advanced writer? I.e what are the basic techniques you're going on about? How are you able to decide all of this?" (through several tweets) But legitimate questions yes?
And the woman freaked out. "If you need to ask you must be a beginner. A beginner is someone who hasn't mastered the basics. Advanced writers don't need to ask for a definition."
I read these replied and I was shocked. Flabbergasted.
So, because this guy asked this woman for what she defined to be basic crafts... he was an idiot and a moron (which is what the conversation later devolved into on Twitter when she called him a prat and a moron to her followers. Mature. Very mature.(for those who could not tell those last three words, read them with a jugful of sarcasm))
I just... the guy asked a few simple and basic questions to which she did not reply and now he's a prat who is also 'obviously' a beginner for asking her to define what she calls a 'beginner' writer and 'basic crafts'.
Your comments on this very slight yet annoying issue is welcome. Agree or disagree with me or her? Lemme know.
Happy Writing.
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