Tuesday, 19 November 2013


Okay, so as you can probably tell I have neglected this little corner of the internet. And my NaNoWriMo story for the time being.


I feel bad, but it was my boyfriend's 21st and on the Friday we went to a pub, Saturday we ate dinner with friends, Sunday was me attempting an essay and Monday was us eating pizza and visiting my mum.

So it's halted a little.

But all is not lost.

Once this essay is finished I can burn through the next few thousand words. (She says) Also, within the past month I've submitted a poem and a short story to competitions. Now I'm waiting to be told I haven't won. Anyway, for now, enjoy a poem about.... *fumbles* *scratches head*


Orange leaves fall
and scatter themselves
across pavements.

We trod
and kick
and scatter them more.

The wind grows cold
it nips and bites
closes us into

Wrap up tight.
Grab a scarf.
Without a coat
you'll suffer.
Gloves are handy.

The sun
sinks lower
with passing speed.

the moon rises
and the dark descends.

On starry nights
we look up and point
at the white glow 
that paints the sky.

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