Tuesday, 15 April 2014

A little bit of fun

Hey guys, listen, me and my friends have created a website here: http://mulitverse.proboards.com/

What this website is, is a role playing forum. Now, for the uneducated who are asking "what the hell is that?", I'll break it down for you.

On the forum are two main role playing sections: RPG and Fan RPG. Yeah, yeah, you're probably thinking "Pfft, gay" or whatever. But let me tell you a little more. Underneath each title lies several boards with different titles.

For RPG:
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Modern Day, Hitorical, Other.

In any of these boards you create a new thread with a starting post. Within this starting post you lay down the basic rules of the world and what kind of characters you may or may not be looking for. Let me give you an example. I created a science fiction thread (on a different forum) called 'Melting Endeavours'. The only type of characters I asked for was five, (from other people), to have some sort of tie to a military system I'd put into place.

Now, you also need to lay in a simple, very basic idea of what the overall plot is going to be. If you create the thread you are in control of the plot, or at least where it needs to end up. But the idea is that other people can create a character that will interact with your character and you reply back. It seems a little meh, "but what if we're just talking to one another." Trust me, there'll be ways to get around it.

And the great fun is that you have no idea what other people's characters are going to do next.

Now, Fan RPG:
TV shows, Films, Books, Comics, Anime, Other.

These are a little different. The basic understanding is that you use a universe that already exists, you just add different characters in a different life. So, it's borrowing a world that already exists and making a different set of characters to play around with.

The trouble for these ones always come from making different characters from those we already know and love, but it can be done amd again, it leads to some fun and amusement at times. (Just take a gander at the Star Trek RP (USS Oblivion) we have going on. We got some cloning, wish fulfilling planets parallel universe and red shirts dying of course)

Again, if you create a thread, then you are in charge of it and should have some sort of idea of whats going on.

What I am saying is come along and have some fun with us. All you need is basic grammar, the ability to make different and interesting characters (they don't have to be detailed in any way shape of form, but please give them some substance) and an open mind to what is going to happen next.

Real names not necessary.

Oh, and there's also a section somewhere down at the bottom to show off your original pieces of work is yours and not up for RP. Wanna show off some art work? Go ahead! Need some feedback on some work? We'll do our best! Same goes for poetry!

Be sure to check in regularly to it though, sometimes, we move along quickly, but at other times, we coast along like a gentle breeze.

Thank you.

Happy Writing.

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