Monday, 14 April 2014

Little bit of creepin

I've just started chapter 10, at 22,638 words, and chapter 9 leaves me feeling creeped out. Just a little. And it most certainly creeps my characters out too.

Without context, the last two lines of chapter 9 are this:

Captain O’Donnell, welcome to Vanguard.
Enjoy the show. 

Now, IN context, they've just entered Vanguard to get back their kidnapped crew members. They came to two locked doors. One of them opened up to a series of stairs that led to a large room. They get locked in this room and it's obvious that somebody wanted them in that room at that time. One side is just a window that overlooks a large room, and I'm talking MASSIVE, with lots of smaller rooms inside it. Each room is just four walls, no ceilings. It is assumed that people are pacing in these rooms and the entire room is dark.

Anyway, the other wall is a series of TV screens and the middle one lights up with the above message. Still a little creepy right? Well, it's what I'm going for.

Happy Writing.

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